About & Contact

We shall not cease from our exploration,
And the end of all our exploring,
Will be to arrive where we started.

—TS Elliot


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General Information


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Our mission is to inform, intrigue, educate & inspire our audience, while spreading re-enchantment everywhere we go.

GIFTS FOR MYSTICS is a mystical hub for the pagan, occult and witch communities.

On our shopping page we have carefully curated gifts and supplies for magicians, yogis and seekers, or anyone else looking for something mystical, intriguing, unusual or unique. We surf the web looking for cool gifts and supplies. We put their pictures and links to the merchant site on these pages. We simply link to them. If more than one merchant carries a certain product, we give preference to advertisers and sponsors.

Want your product on our pages? Want to advertise with us? Contact us at the top of this page.

In the blog we feature various writers on folk-medicine (aka shamanism), esoterica, folklore, art, magic(k), divination, witchcraft and other earth-based spiritualities.

Want to write for us? Click here for editorial info. OR if you’d like to guest blog, we are all ears!

We have extensive listings for occult shops and bookstores, publishers, useful archives and spooky places worldwide. Have a link you want to add to the pages? Go here to submit. Listings are free.

We endeavour to be culturally inclusive and cruelty-free in our selections for our shopping page. We support indigenous businesses. We won’t list any First Nations merchandise that is not made by or not benefiting First Nations people. If you see a drum or a smudge-fan on here, it’s made by or sanctioned by an Indigenous person or organisation that benefits or represents Indigenous peoples.

Please come in, peruse our shelves and search our cabinet drawers. We're sure you will find something to pique your interest and stimulate your imagination.

For any other kudos, feedback or general hellooos!, scroll to the top for all our contacts. We'd love to hear from you.

Contributors & Guests

Sky Bray

GIFTS FOR MYSTICS is Sky’s brainchild. Co-Owner of a local web design company, she has worked in the real world as a web designer, editor and freelance writer and, (her labour-of-love) as an events coordinator at Canada’s largest metaphysical bookstore. Sky is a student, initiate & practitioner of folk-medicine and magic (aka shamanism but we are moving away from that term). She’s a trained (TT 250 hrs) yogi with a personal practice of 20 years. She’s an animist who works in connection and right-relationship with the unseen worlds. She has always wanted to have a metaphysical shop in real life, but since she lives in Vancouver Canada, where occult shops come to die, an online shop was the next logical choice. She's ecstatic to spend her time writing and researching the interwebs finding the coolest stuff she can to bring to you, dear readers (and shoppers). She writes about pagan parenting, living by the Wheel of the Year & her adventures in re-discovering earth-based spirituality and folk-medicine practices.

We are always looking for guest bloggers to join our little shop. Please get in touch if you’re interested in collaborating.


Githa Grey is endlessly fascinated with the strange and wonderful world of the occult, magic, and its history and influence on modern culture. When not reading tarot cards or playing with her cat, she's either reading, writing, or re-enchanting the world (by playing with cats). read her here


Jude Goodwin’s poems and prose have been published in print and online by various journals and shortlisted in the CBC Radio Literary Awards. Jude is a founding member of the Squamish Writers Group, founder and co-editor of The Waters, an online poetry workshop, and founder of the Sea to Sky Review. She is currently pursuing a degree in Creative Writing with Douglas College and lives in the Lower Mainland with her wife, many kids, grandkids, dogs and a cat. read her here


Yvonne Hanson is a blogger, photographer, landscaper and environmental & political activist living in the Lower Mainland.
read her here

Sophia Amazon Bio- Gifts for Mystics

Sophia Amazon has been a Wiccan priestess and teacher for 30 years. She is past director of the Vancouver Goddess Choir and editor of The Witching Whole. She works in the mundane world as a project manager and web weaver. read her here


Terri Lynn is a Birth Doula, Intuitive Tarot Reader, Reiki Master Practitioner (Usui Level 3), and a student of holistic nutrition where she studies the psycho-spiritual and biochemical aspects of health in relation to whole foods. She is both self taught and trained as a Tarot reader under Lindsay Mack of Wild Soul Healing. Terri Lynn received all three levels of her Usui Reiki training under Myorei Corrine Zerrafa of the Zen Centre of Vancouver. Terri Lynn is booking Tarot and Reiki sessions now. Connect with her on Instagram read her here

Tree Carr is a London-based filmmaker, author, musician and lucid dreamer. She looks to her dreams for creative inspiration, self exploration, healing and the personal expansion of greater consciousness. She’s been journaling her lucid dreams, sleep paralysis and O.B.Es for over 20 years. website read her here