Bay Leaf for Protection and Prosperity

Bay Leaf for Protection - Gifts for Mystics

Commonly found in Mediterranean culinary dishes, grocery stores and garden centres around the world, this humble leaf is a herb that packs a powerful punch. Accessible, potent and rich in history, the Bay is without a doubt a spiritual staple in modern and ancient magic. From taking away worries to granting wishes, spiritual cleansing, psychic development (you name it) Bay is a versatile, tried and true ingredient that can be used in all sorts of spellcasting.

We could think of no better herb to showcase right now than Bay, because of everything mentioned above but also because of everything we’re dealing with right now in #Covid19 land. For many, the future is uncertain, plans suspended in the air, fears roaming in full force as we face the unknown. Things are by no means normal. So, what better way to spin Fortuna’s wheel than a little practical enchantment to help shift the odds in your favour?

To help better navigate your right now, this article will focus on some of the magical uses for Bay when it comes to prosperity, luck and protection. With that being said, we all need different things at different times and Bay can be used in so many different ways, these are just a few. But before we get into those details, let’s take a look at some the history and culture behind this common kitchen spice and potent magical herb.

Mythology and the Story of Apollo and Daphne

Apollo - Gifts for Mystics

The bay tree (laurus nobilis) was a central plant in the ancient Greco-Roman world because of the tree’s association with the god Apollo. Apollo adorned himself with laurel wreaths, which became one of the highest symbols of honour to receive in ancient Greece. Bay laurel wreaths were also given out to the winners of the Olympic games and is the root word for baccalaureate and poet laureate. The phrase “resting on one’s laurels” comes from this plant’s cultural association with victory. Yet while the symbolism of the Bay leaf has everything to do with triumph and success, the origin story of the Bay tree (and of Apollo and Daphne) is anything but triumphant or successful.

There are many variations of this myth, but the story is essentially the same – one of unrequited love (or unwanted attention, depending on how you look at it). Apollo is cursed by Cupid’s arrow, where it’s love at first sight with Daphne, a mountain nymph of the forest who just wants to be left to do her own thing (don’t we all), but instead has to run for her life with Apollo hot on her tail like a hunter chasing his prey. Daphne is terrified, and in total desperation runs to her father (who is the god of the river) and begs him to “destroy my shape which I’ve please too much, by changing it!” and, just like that, she begins to transform into a Bay tree. It’s at this point where Apollo says to her:

…, since you can't be my bride, at least
you will certainly be my tree! My hair(s) will always have you,
my lyres [will have you], my quivers [will have you], o Laurel;
You will be present for the Roman generals when a happy voice
will sing Triumph, and the Capitoline will see long processions;
the same most loyal guard, for the Augustan doorposts,
in the middle of the doorposts you'll stand and protect the oak garland,
and as my head is worn with unshorn hair(s),
you also, bear always the everlasting praise of your foliage!

Ovid’s Metamorphoses “Daphne and Apollo”

Bay Leaf Correspondences

With all this backstory in mind, the correspondences associated with the Bay leaf make a bit more sense. These correspondences include:

  • Ruling planet – Sun

  • Sign – Aries, Leo

  • Element – Fire

  • Gender – Masculine

  • Deity – Apollo

Bay leaves were used by the Oracle of Delphi and were burned or chewed to enhance the Oracle’s prophetic visions. The Bay tree was incredibly sacred to Greek and Roman culture and is an excellent herb to use for protection, purification, strength, power, and victory, as well as healing and enhancing your psychic powers. Bay leaf is also great for boosting your self-confidence and self-esteem as well as helping you manifest your desires. Bay leaf also has a forward-facing quality to it as well, and is excellent when used for divination, or for workings when you’re turning attention away from past hurt, situations, or relationships.

Incorporate Bay Leaf Into Your Witchcraft

Bay Leaf - Gifts for Mystics

There are many ways to incorporate Bay into your magic. Here are just a few ideas:

Enhancing your personal power and protection out in the world

Carry an individual Bay leaf like a talisman. Place Bay leaf in a sachet with a gemstone (black obsidian or tourmaline would work well), and amplify your spell bag with intent with a prayer. This protective charm will help amplify your sense of personal power and attract luck in athletic competitions or in any situation that requires you to come out on top.

Banishing negativity and manifesting your desires

Take a Bay leaf and write the keyword of a quality you’d like to let go of (fear, worry, anxiety, stress) or bring into your life (self-trust, compassion, courage, wonder). Take a pair of tweezers, grab your bay leaf, and hold up to the flame of a candle. Watch the bay leaf light up, crackle and turn to ash as you envision that which you’d like to release or receive.

Increasing self-confidence and self-esteem

Alongside burning Bay leaf (which would great for amplifying self-confidence) bay leaves can also be painted with essential oils or infusions, like moon water or Florida water to help give your intention an extra boost. Try lemongrass, orange, bergamot, neroli, cedarwood, pine, and/or rosemary scents. These saturated Bay leaves can be crushed, buried or burned later on once a full lunar cycle has passed.

Purifying and protecting your space

Culpeper said in his Colour Herbal that the Bay is, “a tree of the Sun and under the celestial sign of Leo and resisteth witchcraft very potently, as also all the evils old Saturn can do to the body of man, and they’re not a few”.

So, perhaps the most timely bit of magic right now, use the sweet Bay to keep out any bugs or illness from your body and home while you and your family are in social isolation. Smudge with Bay and sage to cleanse your space - or take your bay leaf, crush it up, and burn it with sandalwood on a charcoal puck. Or, you can make an infusion and wash your window sills, grates and any other spot where there’s an opening to the outside. Add some salt for good measure. This 17th century spell gives good direction:

Holy water come and bring;
Cast in salt for seasoning;
Set the brush for sprinkling;
Sacred spittle bring ye hither;
Meal and now it mix together
Add a little oil to either;
give the tapers here their light;
Ring the saint’s bell, to affright
Far from hence the evil sprite.

Also, think about planting a Bay near the entrance to your house. It is said to be a powerful sentry.

Bay Laurel the Sacred Leaf

As you can see, the Bay tree has quite a history and is a versatile herb! Especially if you’re looking to increase your strength and personal power, or protect your house and home as you navigate this uncertainty. Whatever hardships you may be facing, Bay Leaf medicine is potent, powerful and it’s easy to find. And, there isn’t anything quite like your consecrated leaf going up in smoke, crackling and hissing before your eyes as your intention dances in the air.

We hope these tips inspire you and give your spellcasting the boost it may need to help you overcome the odds, whatever you may be facing. At any rate, with some bay laurel by your side, staying home and staying safe just got a little easier.

Happy spellcasting!

Githa Grey

Githa is endlessly fascinated with the strange and wonderful world of the occult, magic, and its history and influence on modern culture. When not reading tarot cards or playing with her cat, she's either reading, writing, or re-enchanting the world (by playing with cats). Website


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