Finnish Winter Song

Finnish Winter Song - Gifts for Mystics

Recently sick with a seasonal cold, I watched 12 hours of the extended versions of Lord of the Rings trilogy. Still so good - it's a yearly must for me. Those movies remind me what's important in life. Then I found this song that makes me think I'm in Middle Earth.

And very fitting for having a cold. (cough cough)

Also I wonder - is 'the Calloo' a version of the Cailleach, goddess of Winter, mountains, storms, from Scotland/Ireland? She's the other face of Brigid.

Beautiful song by Mateli Kuivalatar (1771-1846), Ilomantsi, Finland. Sung by Liisa Matveinen & Tellu Virkkala (Turkka), accompanied by Ritva Talvitie playing the bowed harp. Pictures of Finnish winter.

"Alahall' on allin mieli
uiessa vilua vettä
sukkeloitessa suloa
jäänalaista järkyttäissä.
Alempana minun sitäi
viluvatsa varpusella
istuissa jääoksalla,
vilumpi minun sitäi.

Low are the calloo's spirits
as she swims the icy waters
shuttling the slush
diving below the ice
Lower are my spirits than hers
lower than those of the shivering sparrow
perched on an icy bough
lower are even mine."

Sky Bray

Sky Bray is a proud MAMA, wellness blogger, musician. Student of yoga, magick, shamanism. Animist on the west-coast Canada.


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