Samhain Altar Share & Remembering Loved Ones

Girl in a picture frame altar share - SpiritMAMA Blog

My Samhain altar this year is dedicated to my ancestors, my family, my husband’s ancestors and our recently departed.

In the week leading up to Halloween, I had a very strong dream about an old friend of mine who died young. My best friend actually, in high-school, she was 17 when she died in a freak car crash. Her death effected me greatly for many years but I had not thought of her much lately.

In the dream I was visiting her mom in present time. Her mom was showing me pictures of her and pieces of her handwriting, clothing and other things of hers. In the background a song was playing, The Who’s, Listening to You. The Who was one of her favourite bands so it didn’t surprise me, but as I came up out of sleep into this world, the lyrics played over and over in my head:

See me,
feel me,
touch me,
heal me.

I cried for a while. After digesting the whole thing, I realized that it was a visitation. And that she wants to be remembered.

So I have her here on my altar this year, with some things of hers I still have, mainly that Mudhoney single – we were so punk rock.

My altar is seasonal and changes quarterly, so I have items on there that correspond to where we are at on the great Wheel of the Year and to the celebration inside that quarter. For Samhain I have Cat, Crow, Toad, skeletons, dried tree branches, pumpkins, ghosts and witches, candles and incense, along-side pictures and personal items of our beloved dead.

We leave offerings in little bowls year round for them and the ancestors. I usually leave coffee in the mornings, sometimes a treat here and there –  but at Samhain we share every meal with them.

Though I am not picky about where they go, I always have the four elements represented somewhere on the altar, and something representing the gods/HP/Great Spirit/Goddess. Since my spiritual path is a journey and an organic process, the images and terms can change so I use whichever (or whomever) is speaking to me at the time.

I love altar sharing. Have any pics of or links to your altar? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Happy Haunting,
xo SM

Sky Bray

Sky Bray is a proud MAMA, wellness blogger, musician. Student of yoga, magick, shamanism. Animist on the west-coast Canada.


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