The Three-card Tarot Reading

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Years ago, I was a practicing astrologer and a living-and-breathing student of the craft. During those years I was very careful to read only what I saw on the paper and not rely on my personal feelings or intuition or bais. I've never been psychic or especially sensitive to the magical realms and I certainly would never trust myself to read issues, answer questions, or discuss future potentials and trends without tools.

I still reference astrological charts, but these days when I'm looking for an answer to something immediate, or when I'm looking for reassurance, or hope, or advice, I use the Tarot. Specifically, the 3-card tarot spread.

If you're looking for something in-depth or long-term, it's best to deal a 7-card reading (or consult an astrologer). If you're looking for a simple yes or no answer, a 1-card reading will work well. A three-card Tarot reading is all about the business of life. It's practical. It offers solutions. And it's immediate.

1. The question

Formulate your question clearly. Try to ask something that doesn't require a yes or no answer. The three-card reading is great if you're looking for guidance, but typically for something immediate, and straightforward. Some of the best questions for the three-card tarot are as follows:

How is a situation going to turn out ?

What are my chances if I …. ?

I'm thinking of <something> and wondering about it.

Tell me about my relationship with <person>

Why hasn't <person> called me yet?

2. The process

I recommend using the full deck of cards when dealing a 3-card layout. And strangely enough, they don't have to be real-life cards. As I've mentioned in earlier articles, I find Tarot Apps do a great job and can be much more accessible. I use an app on my phone and an app on my iPad.

Tarot apps will help you read the cards, but if you're using an actual deck, it's best to have a card directory on hand. Over time you will become more and more familiar with the cards and their meanings.

Be sure to formulate your question clearly. Then, deal three cards in a row, face down. It doesn't work so well if you think of the question after you deal. You must have the question first, then deal.

Turn over the cards one by one.

3. The cards

Card 1: The Basis of the Question. The nature of your problem.

The first card should indicate your question in some way. If it's a question about money, this card should be a money card - two, three or four of pentacles for example (I think of these as coins actually).

If this first card has nothing to do with your question, it's likely the reading will not work out. You can carry on, but keep in mind that the reading might not be inaccurate.

If I am doing a reading, and the first card is not related to my question, I gather the cards up again and think about the question. Did I not formulate it properly or clearly. Is there another way I could ask the question.

Sometimes, the tarot will refuse to answer and no matter how many times you deal, you won't get a relevant first card. I can't say why this happens, but perhaps it's because I don't really want to know the answer.

Card 2: Current affairs. Obstacles. The cause of the issue. The other person.

This card can help you understand what is going on with your question. Issues or events that are contributing to your question's outcome. If it's a relationship question, often this card will reveal issues concerning the other person or how the other person is feeling about the issue. If it's a question of self-discovery, sometimes this card can represent what you're aspiring to but usually it represents a challenge, or reveals some kind of hindrance, if there is one.

Card 3: Outcome. The solution. How to overcome obstacles. How to get there. Advice.

Of course, this is the card that you really wanted to see. But you'll need to be sure to read it in connection with Card 2. Card 3 is not so much an answer as a solution and will be based on the affairs and obstacles shown in Card 2.

Card 3 will give you advice, and sometimes, you won't like the advice or will find it hard to interpret. Here's a tip. If you have a card in your layout that you really don't understand, or you want to know more about, you can deal another card - a single card - and ask Tarot for more information. This is harder to do with an app of course, but can be done by returning to the main menu and choosing a one-card reading.

The new card will delve further into the meaning of the original card.

Of course, if you keep dealing more cards, asking for more clarification, the Tarot will eventually stop answering. You'll start getting cards like:

The High Priestess - mystery, truth yet to be revealed

The Hierophant - discipline, advice, morality, truth searching

The Emperor - sternness, rebuke.

While these cards can be relevant in a reading, I find when I've asked the Tarot too many questions, or worse, the same question too many times, it starts dealing me these and I know I'm going to get no more answers today.

4. A final word

Similar to a one-card reading, as I’ve said, the timing of a three-card tarot reading is very immediate. If you ask about a relationship, it's likely the answer means 'today' rather than 'in general.'  If the cards indicate trouble, that trouble is happening today. It's very hard for an oracle like the Tarot to answer long term questions or address deep issues with just a few cards.

The one- and three-card Tarot readings have helped me out over the decades and I highly recommend the practice.

Jude Goodwin

Jude Goodwin’s poems and prose have been published in print and online by various journals and shortlisted in the CBC Radio Literary Awards. Jude is a founding member of the Squamish Writers Group, founder and co-editor of The Waters, an online poetry workshop, and founder of the Sea to Sky Review. She is currently pursuing a degree in Creative Writing with Douglas College and lives in the Lower Mainland with her wife, many kids, grandkids, dogs and a cat. Website


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