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Gifts for Mystics
The Mystical Magazine
for pagans, witches, druids
and community

to the Re-enchantment
We spend a big part of our life asleep and dreaming. But have you ever gone lucid in your dreams? Ever had sleep paralysis? Death Doula, dream coach and author Tree Carr talks about her dreaming experinces.
Musician Jimmy Trash takes us on a tour through parts of Europe in search of traditional folk magic practitioners.
In the morning I get up at 6 and do breathwork with my meditation, before yoga or working out. Here’s some videos of my favourite practices.
This is a cool video – a rendition of what life would have been like for people in the largest Viking settlement discovered as yet – The Tissø excavations. #Ancestors
Read all about one of the founding fathers of paganism - the man who coined the term “neopagan”.
Designing a food-based ritual of self blessing or family blessing can also be a very accessible way to do magic, even for those who don't usually participate in a formal magical practice.
Spring is the perfect time to get your energies straight. What better way than a ritual bath?
Beltaine - the sexyest holyday! But not always. It can be just for fires and cattle-blessing and such.
From our shelves: In light of this season of renewal and growing things, for this particular post we’ll just focus on the witches shall we? Yay the witches!
Was St. Patrick actually Irish? Enslaved by Pirates? And what do the snakes even mean? As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, we found a few things we bet you didn’t know about him.
We started following the traditional wheel of the year many years ago after a rather harrowing Christmas season. We do a kind of cross-over, or what I call ‘seasonal celebrations’.

A brief overview of Aradia and the new translation published by the Pazzaglini family in Italy.
Who are you without all of your thoughts? Without all of your judgements, memories, criticisms, worries and fears? Without your loves and desires? Meditation will show you.
The hidden language of trees, translated through a record player. Brilliant.
Beltane is the season when the fairy hosts leave their hill forts and travel across the land. Are you prepared to meet them?

May the dark roll over us like a warm blanket, force us inside to gather around the hearth and tuck in together for the cold months. Here’s some stuff to read, while there.
Ronald Hutton’s book “The Witch” is a must-read for anyone interested in the full range of complexity, variation, and nuance behind the history of witchcraft and the figure of the witch.
From our shelves: In light of this season of renewal and growing things, for this particular post we’ll just focus on the witches shall we? Yay the witches!
As we feel that pull towards shorter nights, sweater-weather and, lots of rain on the ‘wetcoast’, here’s a few book we recommend to get into the spirit of Fall and the dark half of the year.
Chill In Our Oracle Nook
Since I got this deck, I have not used any other deck. It answers me immediately, unwaveringly. It doesn’t hesitate or get vague or bored of my questions - not once. It’s a sturdy companion, reliable and Pony-gold.
A three-card Tarot reading is all about the business of life. It's practical. It offers solutions. And it's immediate.
I’ve come across a few candidates for my favourite deck but haven’t been satisfied as of yet. The beautiful yet somewhat inaccessible Star Tarot is one of these, oh-so-close decks! Let me tell you about it.
One card, or yes and no tarot readings can be a huge relief when needing a bit of courage, clarity or discernment.
There are a ton of spooky-season related tarot and oracle decks out there (liked to a few more at the bottom of this article). Here’s our favourite one.
How to incorporate shadow work during this moon phase, and look for a dark moon tarot spread to help you dive deep, illuminate, and reclaim the dark parts of your psyche.
Are all decks the same? What even are tarot? Can you buy your own deck? If you’re thinking of diving into your first deck, here are some common questions answered.

Check out this album by Runic Scholar Tyriel - a song for each rune.