Bathing Purification Ritual

Springtime is a good time to reset, to clear out what has fallen away during fall and winter to prepare for the growth to come. It's a time of hope and renewal, and we can make use of that fresh hopeful energy around us by cooperating with it. 

Ritual Purification Methods

Purification is a common way to recognize a change in your life, a change of season or to prepare for an important or desired change. It's also a great way to prepare for another type of magical working or a big task. All of the following methods are widely used world-wide for this purpose. You can wash your body or space, change the sensations in your body (for example through brushing it down or striking it gently with herbs or twigs), change the vibrations in your space by ringing bells, anoint yourself with scented oils or herbs, or burn herbs in your space (saining).

Ritual Baths

Ritual baths combine several of these methods – the symbolic act of washing, while adding sensation and scent through bath brushes, bath oils, vinegars or herbs, with the potential of adding more layers like music. 

Bathing Purification Ritual

Begin by preparing your bath space by putting clearing it visually, perhaps by removing all unnecessary items from surfaces in your bathroom, and wiping them down if needed. Put out some nice soft towels and compile your ritual items – essential oils like rose, orange or lavendar, or fresh herbs like thyme, comfrey, or mint could be put in a cloth bag ready to put in your bath. Ready a loofah, bath brush or nice washcloth, depending on your preference to stroke down your body. Put on some music that feels appropriate or prepare some bells to ring to clear the air before you start. 

Herbs and flowers for the bath - Gifts for Mystics

Clear the air

Ring bells in your bathroom. Let the ring resonate and die down. Feel how it changes the energy of the space already. If you'd like to have music on, do that now. 

Cast a circle and call the direction if your tradition does that. 

Put your bag of fresh or dried herbs into the tub and let the water run. 

Bless and cleanse your body

Unclothe yourself and use a soft bath brush (or other tool that feels right to you) to brush your body gently from head to foot. As you do this, think of all that you no longer need being released from you, dusted from you onto the ground. Feel the skin of your body waking up. 


Step into the bath and immerse yourself. Wash yourself mindfully with soap or cleanser and a wash cloth or even your hands. The important thing is the intention to release what needs to go so you are prepared to go forward. 

This may become emotional and if it does, just let those emotions flow, allow them to clear through you, opening space for what is next. Trust that what happens next is as it should be. Take deep breaths in and out. 

Let the water out of the bath and down the drain while you are in the bath, feeling all that you are releasing draining away. 


Get out of the bath and dry yourself. If you like you can bless yourself by applying body lotion mindfully and lovingly. 

Devoke the directions and circle if you cast and called them at the beginning. Say thank you, and know that all is fresh and new, and well. 

Blessed spring!

Sophia Amazon

Sophia has been a Wiccan priestess and teacher for 30 years. She is past director of the Vancouver Goddess Choir and editor of The Witching Whole. She works in the mundane world as a project manager and web weaver. Website


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