Springtime Food Rituals


Springtime is a good time to affirm your health and positive abundance. Magic responds well to sensory-rich ritual, and food is a multi-sensory experience, containing sight, smell, texture and taste experiences that literally become part of you. 

Designing a food-based ritual of self blessing or family blessing can also be a very accessible way to do magic, even for those who don't usually participate in a formal magical practice. 

Designing a Food Ritual

As in all magical ceremony, a good place to start is where you want to end – the goal.

Are you looking to bless yourself? Springtime is full of delicious food with lots of symbolic potential - edible flowers, greens, eggs, spring new potatoes. Eating these delicious, magical foods with as much enjoyment as possible and the intention that their lively spring energy bless and enliven your life is a spell in itself. 

Milk Spell - Gifts for Mystics

Blessed spiced milk spell

Magic is very much in the meaning you apply to what you do. The simplest things become sacred and magical by symbolism and intention. 

Dairy products have been an important and significant part of spring ritual, as dairy animals such as cows and goats begin making milk after the springtime birth of new calves and kids.

Nurture your new spring beginnings with warm milk (a food specifically meant for nourishing the young self) spiced with cinnamon and vanilla. Warm fresh milk until it just begins to steam, and then add ground cinnamon and vanilla to taste, and maybe a small amount of honey. Cinnamon, which represents the sun and fire, can bring warmth, love, prosperity and luck. Vanilla is for love and honey is for sweetness and abundance. 

Pour it into a nice bowl and whisk it till it is frothy. Sprinkle a little more cinnamon on top to make it pretty. If you like, you can light a candle, or take your bowl outside somewhere nice to complete your spell. 

Charging your spell

Stir the mixture once more, turning your spoon or stick clockwise (sunwise) around the bowl. Pick up the bold and hold it in your hands to charge the drink with your intention. Breathe in, and accept all the emerging strength that flows to you in your breath. Then recognize all the goodness held in the bowl within your hands and send your intention that this food be blessed. 

Charging your milk can be as simple as singing or saying to yourself “I accept what nourishes my truest good” or “I accept and incorporate (a word literally meaning to take into your body) these blessings” while holding the warm spiced milk in your two hands. The strength and focus of your intention matters here. Then drink your spell, or if you have made enough for more than one, you can pour the milk into one or more cups to share and drink. 

When creating blessed food for someone you love, such as a partner or child, you can send your intentions for happiness and blessings into the milk or food and give it to them to drink or eat. A general blessing is best for this purpose unless you have a specific request from that person, as it allows the blessing to be expressed for their own highest good, rather than being limited or controlled by what you think is good for them. 

Milk and eggs food spells - Gifts for Mystics

Some other simple spring food spells 

Saying a blessing over your springtime meals is a simple way to bring magical blessings to your family. “May this food nourish our connection to one another and our best new projects” is a good thing to say over a meal filled with spring made food, like fresh salads and eggs.  

Eat an egg with the intention of rebirth – write in coloured wax crayon all over an egg boiled the way you like it, still warm from the pot. You can write the names of projects or goals that may have gotten stagnant or neglected, that you would like to rebirth. Then crack open the egg and eat it (with a little salt if you like) to take that blessed intention and energy into your body. 

May all that you eat be blessed and bless you.

Sophia Amazon

Sophia has been a Wiccan priestess and teacher for 30 years. She is past director of the Vancouver Goddess Choir and editor of The Witching Whole. She works in the mundane world as a project manager and web weaver. Website


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